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KA - Ch 109

Chapter 109 - Dear husband

"Haha, that, maybe the air conditioner is on too cold!" Li Zhuoen slyly argued.

"But the air conditioner wasn't on last night." Cen Yuhao would like to see how far she can make up the truth.    

"Then ...... that's probably because I felt too hot and thought your body was a little cooler than mine, haha, you too, be careful to keep warm, it's summer, how can your body be so cold?" Li Zhuoen was afraid that he would say something else to refute her words, and hurriedly took her hands and feet away from his body, "That, I ...... I'd better go wash up first!"    

After saying that, without being given the opportunity to speak, hurriedly rolled to the bathroom in a flash.    

This woman's blindness to the truth is really good! The fire in his body has been nowhere to go, rolling inside like a ball of fire, but she can still say that his body is cold! He was curious as to how this woman's brain was actually constructed. Looking at Li Zhuoen's back, Cen Yuhao felt like he was between tears and laughter.    

Li Zhuoen helped Cen Yuhao out of the room and saw Cen Guoshu and Song Rongfen walking downstairs in full makeup.

"Dad and mom, do you have any activities today?" Li Zhuoen asked them.    

"Yes, there is a charity event for us to attend at nine in the morning." Cen Guoshu explained.    

"Madam, the soup for the young master is ready, shall we send it over now?" The maid came over and said to Song Rongfen.    

"Oops, I still forgot to send the soup over to Yuhang!" Reminded by the servant, Song Rongfen suddenly remembered, and then said to the servant, "You can send it to young master later, and by the way, tell him that I am going to attend an event with his father, and I will rush over to see him afterward."
"Yes, madam." The maid said, about to turn around.    

"Please wait!" Li Zhuoen called the maid back and then said to Song Rongfen, "Mom, it's better for me to deliver it to big brother, it's too late for me to go to work afterward."

"Won't it delay you from going to work?" Song Rongfen looked at her uncertainly.    

"How can it be called a delay to deliver soup to big brother? We are a family, I can still do this little thing." Li Zhuoen smiled at her.    

"Good, then I'll trouble you Zhuoen." Song Rongfen naturally liked her even more in her heart when she saw how thoughtful she was.    

"It's just a small thing, big brother usually takes care of me too." Li Zhuoen smiled.    

After eating breakfast, Li Zhuoen took the soup she made for Cen Yuhang and rushed to the hospital.    

Cen Yuhao didn't go with her because the company had an important meeting to attend in the morning.

Because she had to deliver the soup to Cen Yuhang, Li Zhuoen took the car usually assigned to him this time. She was very happy to go to the hospital in the car, to deliver a soup, there is a special car to pick up, she finally can not ride her little sheep! In this way, the soup delivery is a good job! How about she take this job from now on? Haha.    

Li Zhuoen was still thinking out of the blue, but the driver had already dropped her off at the hospital.    

"Young madam, here we are." After the driver parked the car, he saw that she did not have the intention to get out of the car, so he reminded her in a voice.    

"So soon?" Li Zhuoen then responded it is indeed much faster than her little sheep!    

Putting the bag in the car, Li Zhuoen took the soup, walked out of the car, and then walked towards the ward where Cen Yuhang was.    

Just after walking around the corner, Li Zhuoen heard the sound of the door opening and looked over there, but it was Cen Yuhang's room.    

In fact, it was nothing strange, nurses were looking after him all night. But she clearly saw that the person who came out from inside his room was Zhao Meijuan!    

"Isn't that Su Yucheng's mother? How could she walk out from inside big brother's room?" Li Zhuoen felt strange.    

After Zhao Meijuan came out of the ward, because she was too sad, she covered her mouth with her hand and ran towards the other end of the corridor, not noticing Li Zhuoen who was standing not far from her at this moment.    

"Aunt ......" Before Li Zhuo En could greet her, she had already disappeared from her sight very quickly.    

Strange, that person should be Su Yucheng's mother right? How could she have run out of her big brother's ward? The last time she met her here, she said she didn't know big brother! And she just covered her mouth and looked like she was crying. What the hell is going on?    

Li Zhuoen thought in wonder, then walked to the door of Cen Yuhang's ward, knocked on his door, and walked in.    

"Didn't I tell you not to bother me anymore!" Cen Yuhang turned his back in the direction of the door, thinking it was the woman who had come back again, and yelled angrily.    

"Big brother, what did I do to upset you?" Li Zhuoen had never seen him lose his temper so much, and was so scared that she froze at the door, she shouldn't have done anything to annoy him, right? For a second, she thought the person on the bed was Cen Yuhao because only he would speak to herself in that tone of voice.    

"It's Zhuo En, sorry, I thought it was someone else, don't mind if you do, come on in!" Cen Yuhang turned around, saw it was Li Zhuoen, and smiled at her apologetically.    

"Big brother, who are you mad at? Seeing the way you just looked, it seems like you're not generally angry." Li Zhuoen remembered the way he was angry just now and still had palpitations.    

"A subordinate, usually always get things done badly, so I'm a little angry." Cen Yuhang explained.    

"Did he just come here?" Li Zhuoen asked again.    

"Yes, just before you came here, I don't think you saw it, right?" Cen Yuhang questioned her.    

Could it be that Su Yucheng's mother be a subordinate of big brother? Li Zhuoen felt strange, but thinking that it was none of her business, she shook her head.    

Seeing her shake her head, he was then relieved: "By the way, why did you come over so early today?"

"I brought you soup," Li Zhuoen said, placing the thermos pot she was carrying on the table beside him, "Mom and Dad they had to attend an event this morning, so they couldn't make it over, so I volunteered to come over."    

"It's really a bother to you." Cen Yuhang smiled at her gratefully.    

"Big brother usually takes care of me, I'm just bringing you the soup, it isn't too much for me to say thank you." Li Zhuoen also smiled along.    

"Okay, then I won't say anymore," Cen Yuhang looked at the time, "Zhuoen, it's late, you should go to work, it's not good to be late later."    

"Oh, I forgot, thank you for reminding me!" Li Zhuoen then remembered that there is still work today, "then big brother, I go to work first, after work to see you oh!"    

"Okay, be safe on the way!" Cen Yuhang waved his hand at her.    

Li Zhuoen walked out of his ward. Only after it was quiet did she start thinking again. Thinking about how Cen Yuhang looked when he was angry just now, she still felt a little unbelievable. If it was Cen Yuhao instead, she would have thought it was normal even if he was furious, but he was Cen Yuhang! In her eyes, Cen Yuhang is a near-perfect person, with the warmest smile and the broadest heart.    

The most important thing is that you have to think about it so much because it's inevitable that a person will get angry. Li Zhuoen is not good at thinking about these kinds of complicated things, think about it or forget it.    

Just arrived at the company, a few noisy women surrounded again.    

"It is said that you were seen getting out of a limousine this morning, so tell me what happened!" Shin Miner stared at her with a pair of crystal eyes.    

Holy shit! She had gotten off a block early, and this could even be discovered? Li Zhuoen was speechless.    

"I think it's a mistake, right? How could I have gotten out of the limousine?" Li Zhuoen intended to die without admitting it.    

"How can you be wrong! It was Jenny who saw it, ask her if you don't believe me!" Shin Miner reached out and pointed to Jenny who was standing at the side.    

"Yes, I saw you get out of a limousine with my own eyes, although I didn't see what brand of car it was, at a glance it was expensive," Jenny said.    

"Miss Lei Man, your eyes should be looking blurry, right? You have just returned to China and have not yet adapted to the looks of these people in the country, so you look like me to everyone." Li Zhuoen attempted to mislead her.    

"Jenny also said that the guy driving the car looks quite old, saying, are you being adopted by someone?" Mu Xue, who was standing on the far left, added.    

"Mu Xue, can your imagination be a little richer?" Li Zhuoen rolled her eyes towards the sky.    

"Zhuoen ah, although our salary is not very high, we can still support ourselves, if you have any difficulties you can tell us, we can all help you do not go on a road of no return ah!" Shin Miner persuaded bitterly. She had just returned to her country, she couldn't watch her former friend ruin herself like this!    

"I say, you guys have such a rich imagination, why don't you all change your careers and become screenwriters, it's said that the salary for that is higher than ours." Li Zhuoen was completely speechless to these women.    

"Zhuoen, we are all for your own good, you can't miss a step and hate a thousand people!" The woman said, "You can't lose your footing."

"That's right, you don't think we speak harshly, but the good medicine is bitter, the advice goes against the ear!" Shin Miner then continued to say.    

"What do you mean by a good medicine is bitter?" Jenny, who was on the side, asked in disbelief.    

Oh my God, she was going crazy! One person she could still handle, but three women at the same time, she really didn't even have the room to talk back! All morning, she had been forced to accept the brainwashing of those three women.    

Luckily, at ten o'clock, the supervisor called the group to a meeting, and she was finally freed. She had been forced to accept the brainwashing of those three women all morning.    

Li Zhuoen while sitting in the conference room meeting, while turning the pen thought.    

As she was thinking, her cell phone on the conference table suddenly rang so abruptly that it successfully drew everyone's attention to it.    

"Sorry, I forgot to turn off the mute." Li Zhuoen smiled apologetically in the direction of the supervisor.    

"It's fine, it's fine, just go out and answer it first if you have something." The supervisor had long received a notice from Wang Liang to take good care of her.    

"No, no, it's not a very urgent call, I'll just call after the meeting." Li Zhuoen smiled somewhat awkwardly, then prepared to hang up the phone.   

But when she looked down and saw the name on the caller ID, she didn't hold back and said, "Dear husband?!"


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